ABOUT ME: My name is Katrina Braithwaithe, I’m an Author, Certified Life Coach, Owner and creator of Crushing Goals and Taking Notes™. My journey began when my mother gave me a dairy for my 16th birthday. I went on to create my next dairy by folding loose leaf paper and stapling the center (yea, the old fashion way). Years later I needed a planner for my corporate job but couldn’t find what I needed so I took a one subject notebook and created a project planner and now here I am years later creating a legacy from my history.

ABOUT THE BUSINESS: Crushing Goals and Taking Notes™ was conceived out of the need to help individuals who were looking for a tool to help them bring structure, set priorities and set goals. We have now evolved to a company who help Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs create their vision through the creation and use of e-books, notebooks, journals and planners.

We not only create products for our clients we also teach them how to create their own through our online classes. We offer training on notebooks, journals and planners, the class is taught in a way that the client can take the knowledge learned and create their own customizable products.

MY MOTTO: My motto has always been ‘I’m just trying to help someone’ and it can all be done with a plan.

If you’re going to make an impact, make it impeccable.
— Katrina Braithwaite

What We've Achieved

  • 2016 created our Crushable Glitter Planner

  • 2017 created our Travel Agent planner

  • 2017 created Our Wedding Planner

  • 2018 Conducted our first Vision Book event

  • 2018 Created our first international custom order (Korea)

  • 2019 Open our Notebook, Journal and Planner Course

  • 2019 Conducted over 20 free courses targeting paper products

  • 2020 Conducted our second Vision Book event

  • 2020 Introduce digital products to our customers(soon to come)